Friday, September 03, 2004

My Second First Entry

Technically this is my second entry but I would like to consider this as my first entry since my first one was really lame. (crossing my fingers that this one won't be lame like the first...hehe) Just a brief introduction for those who don't know me...if you're reading my blog title right, you'd probably come to the conclusion that I'm another superstar wannabe who has decided to live out her "supastah" dream by creating her make believe "superstar world" in cyberspace (assuming that people will actually find time in their boring lives to read about me...hehe)...I would just like to tell you that if that is your assumption...YOU'RE DEAD WRONG...I'm not a superstar wannabe...I'm a SUPASTAH!!! Welcome to my "SUPASTAH WORLD!!!"(nyak here's another lame entry!!!...hehe!!!)
I had an ok day...went to the gym in the morning...worked out for an hour...went straight to my korean kids...taught english for three hours...passed by the grocery to grab some stuff for dinner then finally headed home...uneventful, but that's ok:)

My lil sis left for the states last Thursday...things here at home are still a bit gloomy...we're all quite sad seeing my sister go which was kinda surprising because while she was preparing for her trip we were all very excited for her...making lists of the things we'd want her to buy for us...hehe...we didn't realize it would be hard to for us to deal with her absence...especially for my mom who now swears that she would discourage every parent she knows from allowing their kids to work or study away from home...she even warned me that since my baby sister is not home they'd consider me as the youngest...which means that they'd be overprotective of me...yikes...there goes my social life (or should I say non-social life???)


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