'Had a wonderful, wonderful day shopping!!! I've been dying to go to Divisoria since December and today...thank God for Korean Independence(March 1st- Korean Independence Day)...I got to go...finally!
Being at 168 was's like being in a place where everything and anything that you can possibly want and was just sooooooooooooo perfect...haha! Although I was totally overwhelmed seeing all those beautiful shoes, bags and other stuff I'm so proud of myself 'cause I was able to control myself from over spending...I only bought what I planned to buy...yay for me! I bought a pair of gorgeous bronze wedge, a girly pair of jeans, a cute wallet and the complete dvd set of "My Name is Kim Sam Soon." I'm happy * ^___^ *
I have one question to those who've been in love see I have a friend...she's been with her boyfriend for ten years...they were planning to marry this year but they had some really serious problems in their relationship so they broke up. The guy is a JERK...he was abusive ...he's hurt my friend physically due to some anger control problems and paranoia and verbally by making her feel really insecure about how she looks...with all these things you'd think that my friend was more than happy to be rid of him but that's not the case...the girl (my friend) is still hoping they'd get back together because she feels that he is the one for her (even after being treated like a punching bag)...for the past few weeks I've been trying to talk my friend into just letting go and completely forgetting this big JERK but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to convince her and it's making me really frustrated. My other friends who've "BEEN IN LOVE" told me that I couldn't possibly understand her situation 'cause I've never been in a serious relationship...they say that if you're in love you're willing to sacrifice and just give the world for the one that you love even if he's not treating you nicely...WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD??? I'm talking about women who have earned their degrees and have decent jobs...I cannot understand how they can think this way....GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! If being in love means being stupid allowing somebody to hurt you and make you think lowly of yourself...then no thanks...I wouldn't want to ever be in love! This week I realized how blessed I am in my life. I've been whining about how adventureless my life is and complaining about how pathetic I am for being loveless but other people actually are having it worse. I feel so sad seeing people just totally insecure about themselves. I'm not actually a very big fan of myself too but I feel so blessed to have a strong God behind me who constantly reminds me of how beautiful I am because I am His. I can't say that I've changed how I feel about my looks...I still think I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being attractive but God is changing me little by little...I still feel pathetic for not having a boyfriend but I thank God because He always reminds me that He's given me all the love that I'll ever need...I wish all girls feel this way...I wish my friend realizes this...I wish I will be able to send out this message to my kids in church who are starting to have crushes...actually most of them are wanting to have boyfriends and girlfriends already...anyway...i hope my life would make them realize that JESUS' LOVE IS ENOUGH.
I'm planning on going on a missions trip to China...please pray for me:)
hmmm... i've been in love before but i wouldnt want to get back to an abusive relationship. but then i guess i could understand where she's coming from... she's been with the guy for so long she doesn't know any other kind of life i guess. there's lots more i can say, but all i know is this: women who are in abusive relationships have very very low self-esteem that no other man will ever love them than the one who's abusing them. (they usually think that because abusive men tell them so...) grrrr, these things make me mad!!
anyway, just putting in my two cents... happy korean independence day!! wahahaha! :-D
I guess, to some people, the saying: Love is Blind does exist. I've been in love [or I thought I did] years ago, I was naive, I didn't see the signs that he was cheating. If I was in your friend's case, I'd never go back, to an abusive relationship. Though, you never know, I guess, it's really a case to case basis. Good luck on China. Will be praying for that. I'm in love again nowadays. Since early January of 2005. Heee. God Bless.
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