Friday, August 19, 2005

*WARNING* (lotsa whining)

I hate this feeling...this week started off really bad and it's about to end...still bad. Well nothing really bad's just a feeling...that feeling of being really down and helpless you actually don't know why. I know this doesn't sound good...some may be thinking im manic depressive and I badly need professional it's not like that(i hope...hehe).

I guess some things are pulling me down. Mostly thoughts...I ought to stop thinking too much...hehe! Been keeping myself busy with work but these thoughts still manage to creep into my system.

I think I should list down some of the things that seem to be pulling me down...this ought to help me pull myself up...

1. still have 11 days 'til pay day(hehe)
2. baby sis is worrying about meeting her boyp's worrying about a student of mine with whom i have a crush on (I'M SUCH A LOSER!!!)...I'm way tooooooo old to get crushes!!!!
3. another close friend of mine is leaving me:( (P's leaving for the states next month)
4. still can't figure out what i want to do with my life

*sighs* that somehow helped.

pardon me for being such a whino...i know it' ain't wonder nobody reads this...hehe!


Blogger Vikkicar said...

Hi. NO ONE is ever too old to have crushes. Heck, I have a new one at the work place. Cool to have crushes. Have a fine weekend. God Bless.

8:21 AM  

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