Sunday Blues...the return
I'm in my senti mode right now...I've been playing "Alone Again, Naturally" for the nth time...I don't know what's causing maybe the lemon chicken I had for dinner or seeing hotties KC and Cody Montero (they're both so's unreal!) most probably it's just because another week is about to begin and it's Monday tomorrow:( I was supposed to be talking with D but he's nowhere in sight...hope nothing bad happened to him:( It's been a long time since I last had my Sunday blues...guess it's back...hehe!
Seriously...I think I'm blue because another bestfriend of mine will be leaving me soon. P's leaving for the States on the 20th of this month. She's the 7th bestfriend of mine who migrated to another part of the world...I'm starting to think there's some kind of a conspiracy going on which aims to make me live in eternal solitude. *sighs* Well I know I sound really selfish to think that everything is all about me and besides I should actually be sublimely happy for her 'cause she definitely deserves all the best in life...but I can't help but be lonely...why are y'all leaving me???
This morning I went to the baptism of my former co-worker's daughter...I got to see some of my old colleagues from Ateneo...too bad we didn't get to stay long and hang out 'cause they all had their important appointments (except for me!) to go to. I felt really awkward telling them about my job...everytime I try to explain the nature of my work their mouths drop and they have this look on their face which screams "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" Made me wonder I a failure? In the past I would usually don't mind if people react that way about my job 'cause I myself thought that my work is a joke...but now...this reaction actually hurts my feelings...I guess I've grown to love what I'm doing...but I guess what makes it more difficult is that even though I know that I've finally found a job that pays well and that I actually love...I still feel like a failure because of what people think of my job:(
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