Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas

How do you fire a friend? This is something that I’ve been dreading about being a manager. Sometime this week, I’m gonna have to tell one of my friends at work that our boss has decided not to renew his contract and that he should start looking for a new job. Well I should say that we’re not best of friends and to tell you frankly, there have been times when I totally hated his guts and wished he’d disappear from my world (I may have even written about it here in my blog…hehe) but what’s making it difficult is that I know his situation…I know that he is supporting his mother and two other siblings who are still in school…I know that other than him his family has got no one else to depend on…and worse, it’s the Christmas season…it’s the time to be happy…it’s just not right to fire somebody at this time of the year. I swear I did my best to help him keep the job but right now it’s beyond my control…the big bosses have made a decision and I’m gonna have to be the bearer of bad news. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!

On a much lighter note…I’m sooooooooooo happy ‘cause it’s beginning to smell a lot like CHRISTMAS (YAY!!!). Although I don’t get to experience it ‘cause I usually wake up in the middle of the day, my friends say that the mornings are starting to get really cold. Last Sunday we passed by Meralco Ave. and saw that the Christmas lights display at the MERALCO front yard has already been lit…I don’t think they’re done decorating their front yard…I wonder how their GINORMOUS “Belen” would look like this year. Yesterday, we set up our Christmas tree in the office. It’s a good thing that we were able to convince our boss to let us decorate our office with Christmas ornaments unlike last year when they didn’t allow us to do it because according to them they really don’t consider Christmas as an important holiday in Korea….can you believe that??? I can’t imagine what life will be like without celebrating Christmas…I pity those kids whose parents aren’t big fans of Christmas…it’s like they actually miss the essence of being kids which is to always be in the state of “wonder” and there’s no better state of “wonder” than anticipating Christmas. I wonder what Christmas would be like this year…I wonder…would God grant me the wish I’ve been wishing for for the past few years???
28 Days ‘til my 27th
45 Days ‘til Christmas


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