Sunday, November 28, 2004

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Long time, no write:) Another week is about to begin and it's quite strange cause I actually don't feel that bad about Monday...hehe! I guess I'm just so excited about my birthday and of course Christmas..YIPEEEEEEEE!
I'm starting to feel this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach each time I see Christmas Light and decor clad houses...hehe! Last Saturday I got to experience the usual Christmas traffic we experience around this time of the year but I didn't really mind being stuck in traffic...there's just this urge within me to be more forgiving to people like me who are celebrating the holidays...hehe! I haven't done my Christmas shopping yet...was planning to do it this weekend but I ended up watching a movie with my mom and my aunt yesterday...well I guess I'm gonna have to do my Christmas shopping sometime this week.

This morning I went to church...even in church it was beginning to look a lot like the holidays...there were around 10 of us wearing red...hehe! After church, had my cell meeting with my kids. We had a good session. After our cell meeting I met with the youth officers to plan for next year. We had a very interesting meeting. It amazed me to see how much my kids have grown these past few years. I didn't need to talk much...most of our ideas came from them and I'm really proud of them. I wish other people in church get to see them the way I'm seeing them. Instead of seeing them as the happy-go-lucky, immature and apathetic kids...I see them as responsible, passionate and Christ-loving kids who are ready to make a difference in this world.

It's sad how grown ups can sometimes be so blind to the wonder of things. Grown ups tend to be too cynical about life. They're sometimes to scared to look beyond and embrace change. Good thing I'm still YOUNG....hahaha!!! (I think I've got the Peter Pan Syndrome...haha...a Michael Jackson in the making...hehe!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Killing Time

Right now I'm in the office, waiting for my next class. This day has been ok...nothing really special has occured...SSDD..hehe...kidding!

I can't wait to watch Bridget Jones' Diary...I know people are saying that the first one is better than the new one but I don't care. When I first saw the first one I really didn't like it 'cause I kept on comparing it to the book but it grew on me. Now whenever I feel like being in the "kilig" mode I just pop it in my vcd player and swoon whenever I get to the part where Darcy takes charge in preparing omelettes for Bridge's birthday dinner*sighs* haha...(i's not normal to swoon over a guy preparing eggs...hehe!)

Sunday, November 14, 2004

ten years after...

It's been ages since I last wrote an entry...I've been busy with work. It feels so weird to say that the reason I haven't been able to write here is because I've been busy with just doesn't sound like me...hehe!!!

These past weeks have been really hectic...I go to work from 2 pm to 11pm...I now have 13 students (WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!) I with them on the phone 200 plus mins from monday to friday(WAHHHH!!!!!!) Tomorrow is supposed to be a holiday but because we already had an off day last Nov 1st my company decided to not cancel classes....GRRRRRRR...I know we'll be paid double but I WANT A HOLIDAY!!!!

I had a wonderful day. Led the praise and worship this morning in was sooooooooooooo great...I REALLY LOVE SINGING FOR GOD!!! After church we had a cell meeting. It was a very fruitful cell meeting...we were only 10 in the group but I was just so blessed with these youth from our church. It's just sad these young people are going through things that we didn't even dream of worrying about when we were their has just become so complicated for them...but what's wonderful about their experiences is that these experiences are making them grow and mature in their faith in God...I just feel so honored to have been given the chance to know these kids.