can't believe I survived this week
Early this week I said something about this week being promising...well I take it back...haha! This week was hell!!! haha! It's a good thing that we're having a long weekend because of the Lunar New Year...Kung Hei Fat Choi or sehe bok man i pajuseyo!!!
this weekend
This weekend has been really action packed. It started with my near death experience last Friday. I got stung by some mysterious insect…when my foot started to itch I though it was just a normal insect bite so I didn’t pay much attention but when my hands started to itch followed by the swelling of my face I started to panic. It got really scary when I felt my air passage swelling up until I could no longer breathe…I had to be rushed to the hospital to be treated. It was really scary…I seriously thought I was going to die on my way to the hospital…it was a good thing that there was a hospital somewhere near our place…if not I probably would no longer be able to write this entry…hehe…exaggg!!! I ditched work the following day but it didn’t stop me from having an ultimate buffet at Dad’s that evening…hehe!
Jona left this morning. Things here at home are a bit sad again…but I guess we all feel a lot better now knowing that she has already established really good friendships with the people she’s encountered there plus the fact that she now has a boyfriend who really cares about her…there really is no reason for us to worry about her there…but we’ll surely miss her more since she probably won’t be coming back to the Philippines next Christmas…I’m gonna have to save money ‘cause I promised her I’d visit her instead…calling on all the kind hearts out there…I accept donations for my trip to the U.S. next Christmas…hehe!
I finally bought a new cellphone!!! Thanks to my bro-in-law who was kind enough to let me use his card I got to buy my dream phone. It’s sooooooooooo cool and pretty…everyone….meet my new baby…Violet…hehe!

my new baby
Be Be Your Love
Check this out...Rachael Yamagata's album is really cool. It's one album I can listen to over and over again and never grow tired of it. Thanks Jona for sharing this album with me ^^ 'love this song...i dedicate this song to...hehe!Be Be Your Love (Rachael Yamagata)If I could take you away
Pretend I was queen
What would you say
Would you think I'm unreal
'Cause everybody's got their way I should feel
Everybody's talking how I can't can’t be your love
But I want want want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't can’t be your love
But I want want want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Want to be your everything, everything
Everything's falling, and I am included in that
Oh, how I try to be just okay
Yeah, but all I ever really wanted
was a little piece of you
and Everybody's talking how I can't can’t be your love
But I want want want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't can’t be your love
But I want want want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everything will be alright
if you just stay the night
Please, sir, don't you walk away don't you walk away don't you walk away
Please, sir, don't you walk away don't you walk away don't you walk away
Everybody's talking how I can't can’t be your love
But I want want want to be your love (x4)
Want to be your love, for real
Wanna be your love love love love love
I wanna be you love your love love love
happy new year!
Can somebody make the years stop changing??? I just can't believe that in two years I'll be 30....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I need more time!!! hehe!The new year has begun and I must say that I was quite pleased with the year that has passed. 2005 was a good year for me. Things may have not gone the way I was hoping it would but all the unexpected and pleasant surprises definitely made my year perhaps one of the best years I've ever had. God blessed me with so many wonderful people last year...a lot of new friends and some old friends. I totally love the people I work kids in church have been such great blessings for old friends, although I don't see most of them often, remained to be good friends to me. And of course, my family remains to be my anchor...last year may have been quite "tele-novelaesque" at home, but we're getting better.Last year was also a great year for me at work. I fell in love with my work. I got a promotion and was made the team manager of the evening shift...I met some really interesting students whom I did not just get to teach but from whom I got to learn a lot...I was declared the best teacher in my company twice...earned really good money...what more can I ask for??? (free parking??? hehe!) I am looking forward to another exciting year in this company...can't believe I'm gonna say this but I'm really enjoying work...hehe!This year, I plan to meet the ONE...haha! (not Jet Lee...hehe!) I know we can't plan these things but I don't know...I'm entering another year not with concrete plans on how to reach this goal but with a more open heart and mind ready to submit to God's will. *sighs* I'm gonna have to admit that I envy the people around me who have their significant others...would've been nice to have spent Christmas and New Year with a special someone or at least get a present or even just a greeting card from a special someone *sighs* I believe that God has a plan for me and He has His own timetable...I just wish His plan does not involve single blessedness...hehe! (joke!) I'm praying for someone (newsflash!!!) it may seem impossible (and silly) but I think there's no harm in praying for it or him (haha)...don't worry it's not Dennis Trillo (it's Richard Gutierrez...haha!). I promise to try my best to be more girlfriend material like...I'll submit and I'll be poised and refined...haha! Seriously...I wish to have a love life this year and hopefully all the years after this year until I die...hehe...wish me well ^^