Christmas 2005
This is my least favorite part of Christmas…it’s last hours. You spend months and months anticipating…looking forward to this one special day and now it’s gonna be over soon *sighs* I wish time would stop…I don’t wanna wait another year for another ChristmasL (forgive me for being such a baby)
Christmas, as usual, was action packed. Spent Christmas Eve day cooking for our Christmas Eve feast…prepared some lasagna and pumpkin soup...yummy^^ We had a REALLY extravagant Christmas dinner and as always we all pigged out…hehe! We went to church in Christmas morning...had lunch at my grandmother's house...went to my other grandmother's house to eat some more...went to the cemetery (grandfather's grave)....went back to grandmother's house to eat again (haha!) then we went back home.
It’s funny how Christmas never turns out the way we always hope it would be…there’s always something wrong that happens on Christmas day and this Christmas was no exception. Sometimes I wish I can go back to when I was young, when Christmas was just wonderful...but I guess it’s pointless to think this way…I don’t know…maybe these kinds of Christmases makes you go back to what Christmas really is all about…it’s about Christ coming to an imperfect world to show love and grace…it’s about God showing you the greatest love that only he can give…it’s about God being our only hope.
Yesterday, my family and I visited our former pastor who now has cancer. We’ve been planning to visit him and we thought that Christmas would be the perfect time to visit him. I’ve been worried about visiting him ‘cause I’ve never been good at these kinds of situations…I’ve never been good at visiting sick people, people going through heavy problems and people who are grieving over the loss of a loved one…I’m worried about what I should say or how I should act…but I guess yesterday I had to get over these worries. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw, it was heart breaking to see how his condition has deteriorated...I knew that there is nothing I could say or do that would make things better for him…but I realized that I didn’t have to say anything or do anything…I just had to be there. He asked me to sing for him…my family and I sang a couple of songs. We went there thinking that we could bring him comfort by giving him gifts, encouragement and prayers but amazingly he was the one who gave us comfort…yesterday he taught us a very valuable lesson…he taught us to offer our all to God in worship. May it be our pain or trials or heartaches we have to offer them all as praise and worship to God. It is amazing how despite the pain and suffering he is going through he can still praise God and declare His grace. I am guilty of discontent…God has blessed me with so much yet I demand for more. I know it is very difficult thing to do but for the next year (2006) my new year’s resolution is to be content and be grateful to God for what I have…I’ll complain less and praise God more.